Life Science & Health
May 25, 2022

Founder Spotlight: Paloma Health

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Female health remains one of the most underinvested sectors – just 4% of all healthcare R&D and just 5% of digital health investment is focused on female health, and females are still under-represented in nearly all clinical trials according to Forbes.

Hyperthyroidism is anything but niche

In 2018, Guillaume Cohen-Skalli and Marina Tarasova came together to help females facing hypothyroidism, a common condition affecting 1 in 8 women. Thyroid medication is the fourth most prescribed drug in the United States according to Visual Capitalist.

At a time when less doctors are practicing and more women are being diagnosed with thyroid disease, Paloma Health offers easy online access to endocrinologists and nutritionists who are thyroid specialists, at-home thyroid blood test kits, and prescriptions.

Paloma Health is driving double-digit monthly growth rates in subscribers and monthly recurring revenue (MRR).  

“It’s a well-known fact that female health has been under-researched and under-reported. Through the work we are doing at Paloma Health, alongside other female health startups, we are changing the status quo by building a platform to help women find experienced doctors treating a largely undiagnosed condition affecting 1 in 8 women. At Paloma Health, we ensure women do not feel alone and do not have to be their own patient advocate. Instead, our community approach supports women looking for care on their long term health journey.” - Guillaume Cohen-Skalli.

What’s next for Paloma Health

  • B2B Expansion: Employers and benefits leaders are looking for female health solutions that go beyond menopause and fertility.
  • Provider Portal: Building a seamless experience for providers, to share a comprehensive view of a patient’s thyrodism over time.
  • Onboarding Doctors: Strategic partnerships to ensure they reach doctors through well-established carriers such as AETNA and United Healthcare.

We are honored to work with Paloma Health. Paloma Health's personalized care model will drive lasting positive effects in female health.