Life Science & Health
June 29, 2022

Founder Spotlight: Tucuvi

TheVentureCity Team

Tucuvi, empathic AI to automate medical remote monitoring

The global shortage of healthcare professionals demands new ways to provide care. Doctors do not have the time, nor the data, to provide the proper care for patients in time. Tucuvi’s AI platform for medical phone call automation helps doctors scale themselves through Lola, their virtual nurse. Lola naturally converses with patients about their pathologies, analyzes and structures the conversation, and sends the prioritized data to the medical team for review. Lola augments the care capacity of professionals by x30, and gives them data to provide higher value care.

Tucuvi’s integrations make proactive & preventative care at scale a reality

“We are enabling doctors to provide the best timely and accurate care for their patients by scaling their home-monitoring capacities through our empathic AI voice assistant. What excites me about the future is how we are transforming the way care is delivered. By integrating with every telemedicine and health record software, we are enabling proactive and preventive care, improving quality of life of patients, and drastically making healthcare more efficient and effective worldwide.” - María González Manso, CEO of Tucuvi

Tucuvi allows doctors to focus on what is important. When describing why they love Tucuvi, one doctor said, “We seek to detect proactively and prevent relapses. We want the patient to come to the hospital only when we as doctors have something to contribute. With Tucuvi, we can monitor more patients, avoid unnecessary visits, and improve patient outcomes."


Achievements & Milestones 

  • The product is now available in 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English
  • First voice-based conversational software with a CE mark from the European Commision (equivalent to the FDA in the US), meeting high standards in safety, health, and environmental protection requirements 
  • Best company in the Health & Wellbeing at South Summit

What’s next for Tucuvi

Tucuvi aims to be the world's best voice-based medical software. “Best” means having 2 key components: accuracy, and enjoyable patient-friendly conversations. To do this, Tucuvi is not only integrable with any hospital or telemedicine provider, in any language, but they also are building the world's largest database of medical voice conversations. The proprietary technology being created from scratch allows Tucuvi to train Natural Language Processing Algorithms for accuracy and will continue to give patients outstanding clinical conversations with their virtual “Lola”.